The home of Barbarano Romano (VT)

Residential rehabilitation facility for people with physical disabilities, psychic and sensory socio-medical maintenance (disabled adults)

Accredited with Council Resolution No 188 of the 22/05/2023


“The Dwelling” is a socio-rehabilitative residential facility that offers a permanent and continuous residential service to disabled people of both sexes, with varying degrees of fragility, with the aim of ensuring the quality of life, avoid isolation, marginalization and promote their social integration.

The structure is reserved for disabled people who are in a state of lack of care and assistance, without family of origin or parental or for permanent or temporary inability of family members to respond to their needs.

"La Dimora" aims to guarantee the possibility for Guests to be the protagonists of their time with the best possible level of quality of life regardless of the conditions of physical, psychic or sensory disabilities of each.

The centrality of the individual, understood as the subject of its own recovery and/or protection process, and the humanization of taking charge are essential elements for obtaining the proposed qualitative result. Respect for the person, whatever the physical state, psychic or sensory and whatever the margins of reversibility of its pathological status, combined with the professionalism of the operators and compliance with current legislation for taking charge, care and protection of "weak" subjects are the cornerstones on which to base the socio-medical process aimed at maintaining the level of self-sufficiency achieved and at the prevention of complications.

Gardening activities are planned outside, excursions in the archaeological park and in the surroundings, summer stays, outdoor sports activities (equitation, I swim), I drive to school (where provided), placement in rehabilitation and pre-work internships.

The structure is located in the Municipality of Barbarano Romano (VT) – Palazzo Mastini – Corso Vittorio Emanuele II n. 59 e via Umberto I, n. 23 and refers to the territorial area of ​​the ASL of Viterbo. Its location in the historic center sees it well integrated into the social context and easily accessible.

“La Dimora” is located in an ancient residence that has been completely renovated, has an area of ​​approx 500 square meters and is authorized to accommodate up to 20 patients who stay between the first and second floors in comfortable and spacious rooms, single or double, each equipped with a bathroom. The first floor, composed of a large living room divided into two areas, is dedicated to relaxation and laboratory activities, rehabilitation and maintenance (lecture). The premises of "La Dimora" are barrier-free and offer patients a high standard of hotel comfort, assistance to the person both educational and rehabilitative, animation and occupational therapy activities.

The request for inclusion is formulated by the family/guardian/support administrator of the disabled person at the municipal Social Services, Social Health Districts of the ASL - Disability Area or Disability Operative Unit for Childhood and Adolescence and to the territorial districts that evaluate the clinical and social situation of the subject, elaborate the project and send the request for inclusion to the coordination of the "La Dimora" facility by email to

Meetings are organized with the referring services for an in-depth presentation of the case on a clinical and social level and with the family/guardian to facilitate the sharing of details of the individual care plan, to maintain solid relationships between them and the guest and to allow the personalization of private spaces.

Observation phase completed (two months) the confirmation of the entry is communicated by the structure and the Individualized Project of the guest is drawn up.


The objectives of this workshop concern Self-determination (ability to choose, of design and construction); physical well-being (improvement of motor skills, with particular reference to coordination, and body perception)l; interpersonal relationships and social integration (enhancement of socialized behaviors, recognition and respect for the rules of social coexistence; stimulation of contact and relationship), emotional well-being (increase and modulation of mood, lowering anxiety levels).


the Cineforum Laboratory presents itself as a film screening and debate club and aims to educate, promote socialization. The idea of ​​the "Cineforum" laboratory stems above all from the awareness that cinematographic language is often the ideal vehicle for understanding reality and some social problems. Therefore it is proposed to bring the disabled person closer to the film as an art form capable of telling reality or fantastic facts, encouraging reflection and debate.


this workshop is aimed at people with mild and medium disabilities, also with behavioral and/or psychopathological problems, whose rehabilitation project requires an intervention in the area of ​​personal autonomy, of executive functions, interaction with the operator and/or peers.


to promote, in ambiente outdoor, the psychophysical well-being of the person and the emotional growth, with the help of specific techniques that can be used in the countryside.


to interact with the environment, through experiences of socialization and integration, that affect the development of adaptive behavior.


Summer stays in hotels accompanied by operators.



aimed at intervening on the psychomotor and coordination structure for those users with complex pathologies and at promoting the well-being of the person through the preparation of a pleasant environment, proposing different sensory stimulations that favor aspects such as the positive exploration of the environment, interpersonal contact, relaxation and mitigation of conduct disorders; moreover, this rehabilitation activity has the purpose of intervening from a physical/motor point of view in cases in which there is a specialist indication, in an acceptable context, and therefore usable, by a user whose lack of collaboration makes conventional rehabilitation difficult and often ineffective, contextualized by the "family" environment.


the performance of recreational activities in the pool is proposed with the objectives of: facilitate interpersonal relationships (space sharing, mutual collaboration, relational exchange), implement emotional well-being (play activities that make you feel good, increased self-esteem given by the greater freedom of movement). Hydrokinesitherapy in general is proposed with the objectives of pursuing: muscle relaxation, pain relief, maintenance or improvement of joint mobility (pathologies of the spine, of the shoulder, of the knee, of the hip), recovery or maintenance of ambulation, improvement of arterial and lymphatic circulation.


aimed at promoting, through the group dimension, home management skills, important area of ​​adaptive behavior, which lays the foundations for the autonomy of daily life.


to stimulate free creativity supported by suitable professional supports, with the aim of providing and consolidating skills aimed at self-expression.


this workshop is dedicated to older users who can play, according to their capabilities, group physical activity.


for interventions on physical-motor skills.

Where we are

Barbarano Romano is a small medieval village which has the advantage of having a very welcoming and collaborative local community. Therefore the users, even outside the building, they find warmth and sympathy. Craft and commercial activities have learned to know our guests by promoting integration with the population and the effective support of the Municipal Administration has made the environment pleasant and familiar allowing users to go out independently and participate in events and festivals.

Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 59


Phone: 0761414508 – 0761414615

Email: –


“The Abode” is a project of AA Medical Division Service S.r.l. – P.I. e C.F.: 15145141006

Medical Managers: Dr.ssa Susanna Spada. e Dr. Alberto Trisolini